Empire Apple
Empire apples are red, juicy, firm, crunchy and sweet. They ripen during September and October, and will keep until January. The original seed was a cross between the varieties McIntosh and Red Delicious.Empire apples are excellent for eating and salads, and good for sauce, baking, pies and freezing.

Honey Crisp
The Honeycrisp was developed by the University of Minnesota specifically for growers in cold climates. The apple has a combination of tartness, sweetness, juiciness and crunch, ranking high in all categories in our taste test. The crunchiness is accentuated by the light and airy feel of the flesh. The Honeycrisp has grown in popularity through its life as more and more people have fallen for its crunch. On the outside, the apple is a mottled red and green color and the inside flesh is a pale white that doesn’t brown very easily.

First discovered in the early 1800s, the McIntosh apple has become a North American icon, so much so that an Apple employee named the Macintosh line of computers after the fruit. The McIntosh has a red and green skin and white flesh inside. The apple was very tart and didn’t have much sweetness or juiciness in the flesh.

One of the most famous American apple varieties, a sport of Delicious, known for its bright red color.

Granny Smith
Granny Smith apples have a bright green skin that is often speckled with faint white spots. Medium to large in size and round in shape, they are a firm and juicy apple with thick skin. Their flesh is white and crisp in texture with a tart, acidic, yet subtly sweet flavour. Granny Smith apples grown in colder climates will often take on a yellow to pink blush.

Royal Gala
Gala apples are covered in a thin yellow to orange skin, highlighted with pink to red stripes that vary in hue dependent upon the apples maturity. Their dense flesh is creamy yellow and crisp, offering a mildly sweet flavour and flora aroma. Gala’s that are allowed to reach the peak of their sweetness on the tree will have a deeper red hue and a slightly sweeter flavour.

Cortland apple is bright red and covered with dark red streaks, often they are capped with a green blush. Their crisp white flesh is exceptionally juicy with a sweet-tart flavour.

Russet apples often exhibit a scent and flavour reminiscent of nuts, and are often very sweet. Despite this, modern apple breeders rarely accept russeting in new apple cultivars.

Northern Spy
Northern Spy apples are a late season, large apple with carmine red skin with streaks of yellow and pale green. Its tender-crisp flesh is creamy yellow and juicy. It imparts a bit of a tartness in its bite, but more of a cider-quality flavour with hints of pear and sweetness. A great baking apple!

Ida Red
Ida Red apples grow on slightly small trees, which are nonetheless good fruit producers. The apples themselves are medium in size and generally round, with a layer bright red over a green-red background. The flesh is yellowish-green, although sometimes a faint pink tinge can be detected. They are both sweet and tart, juicy yet crisp and firm. The best fruits have a sprightly, aromatic, and refreshing flavour, although some may lack strong flavour.

Paula Red
Paula Red apples are an attractive fruit with dusty red colored skin covered in gold spots. Their appearance is reminiscent of the more well-known mcIntosh. They have white flesh that is juicy but can become mealy. The flavor is both sweet and tart. Some have claimed to detect the flavour of strawberries as well.
Paula Red apples are available from late summer through mid-fall.

Yellow Transparent
Enjoy apples as early as July! Tree was named for the pale yellow, seemingly-transparent skin of the fruit. The fruit’s crisp, light and sweet flesh is perfect for the ultimate homemade applesauce.